
“A voice for Women Empowerment”

Sometime life is about risking everything for a dream only you can see.

I was overwhelmed to come back to my home town, Kirtipur in 2017. After having years of international work experience in various job level and field but I was little disappointed by the way of working in Nepal. I heard about different trainings given away in different field for many unemployed women but the output was very minimal. Then the turning point came in my life to do something extra for the community by the community. I decided to do something for my own place.             

         Besides being a member of Kirtipur Jaycees, Chapter C JCI, I’m working towards the path in empowering every possible woman. Finally, I decided to enroll an organization for women by the women called Women Empowerment Centre” (WEC) on December 18, 2017 (3rd Poush 2074 B.S.).

       Empowering women is not just about skill development and being empowered financially. It’s about power for making decision, building self-confidence & having gender equality in every aspect of life. Women Empowerment Centre is not just a centre to get trained and develop skill, Learn and work together is our motto. Hence we provide skill & personality development trainings to boost self-empowerment within. We want to create a future where each and every woman receives an equal opportunity to dream and achieve financial and social independence within her community, as in line with the Sustainable Development Goals. We inspire, empower and support women to live authentic, meaningful lives and achieve their true potential through entrepreneurship.

        During our tenure, in the journey of women empowerment, we have been able to create employment for eighteen women in various skills, in association with Kirti Nari Micro Industry, Kirtipur. They have been working with us on a monthly salary basis due to the skills they have acquired after training at the Women Empowerment Centre. We are obsessed with seeing women encourage, support and empower one another. It is our mission and we need more hands to come together to make it a success. It is our great pleasure to invite and share all to join this mission.

  At last, I would like to advise all women to “Give yourself permission to live a big life, step into who you are meant to be, stop playing small. You’re meant for greater things. So, be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire”.


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Contact number: 01-4335983

Geeta Dangol Maharjan

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