“Orange Butterflies” dreams of a future where women are seen as able as men with equal opportunities through equity.
We will conduct awareness campaigns and provide equal opportunities to marginalized women in job-oriented skill development, advocacy, mentoring and other vocational training (such as website development, training on the share market, graphic designing, digital marketing, fashion technology, jewelry designing, handicraft, public speaking, etc.) so that they can have more opportunities in every field. After training, they can either work with us or start their own venture. If they choose the latter, we’ll always be here for them as a support system. To lend a hand in their entrepreneurial journey, we will introduce a cooperative store to boost all our products with mutual benefit.
Before starting our social venture in Kirtipur, we conducted a survey of 2000 household women aged 18-45surveyedf They wanted to get back to the jobs they had been doing before their marriage and become financially secure, while others were keen on learning new techniques and skills to become entrepreneurs. Hence, we have started identifying skills and providing training to our beneficiaries by and interests. To enhance the livelihood of these marginalized women, we will facilitate national-level marketing of the products produced by them. We have found that most women have skills but are unable to start their work, as they have to take care of their children aged 4 and below. Therefore, to support these marginalized women, we will facilitate a daycare center.
Furthermore, to support young dreamers, we will be providing two diploma/vocational education scholarships every year. We will raise funds for these scholarships. We believe that, with our support and advocacy, not only to the marginalized women but also to men of their families, we will create a mindset change that will encourage women to come forward and dare to dream.